
Mischief makers 64
Mischief makers 64

mischief makers 64 mischief makers 64

That way you can play the game on the re-compiler, complete the mission, make a saved state, switch to the R4300 interpreter, start the game up again with the saved state then proceed through the level finish cinema to make it out without crashing. Again no doubt it will be slow as hell, but at least it will be useful to bypass any crashes you get when ending a mission. So if all of that is in good respect to the situation here you might want to give the "Interpreter" setting for the CPU core style a test if you haven't already. No doubt it's no better on Vista either some people play the game with stability just fine on the re-compiler, while a few people on the other hand have something about their system that isn't compatible with Project64's implementation of it. I don't think the re-format would balance it out much since some of these game-specific incompatibilities come from the NTDLL module it seems.

Mischief makers 64